Monday, October 30, 2006

I had promised two updates; one with pictures from the Halloween party, and one about why I'm as broke as a paraplegic. The short story is hard to understand; the last 3 paychecks I've received have been equal to or lesser than three hundred dollars. I normally receive seven hundred per check. Now, with the first check, I did not realize that I had received a mini check, so I ended up overdrafting three times, which put me one fifty in the hole. Keep in mind that I have some bills that come straight out of my checking account automatically. The bills include my WoW account, internet, and a few misc. items. Every time those bills get paid, BAM, thirty five dollar over draft fee. Needless to say, I'm in quite a mess here. To compensate for having no money, I've been using my Military Star credit card, which can only be used on military bases. So now only do I have a negative balance in my checking account, I'm also in debt on a credit card. The paycheck I

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