Michael Murphy has a huge problem in his life: his interests change almost daily. When attending Suffolk U in 2003, while having no declared major, he was interested in the computing field. His now defunct Suffolk career in his past, he has moved from history to science, mainly biology, at St. Leo on Langley AFB. Whilst he
OK, enough of this "he" crap. My attention span is that of a meth head mouse with a brand spanking new shiny running wheel; practically non-existent and, at best, pretty damn low. Space exploration is still in the realm of science, which is a good thing considering my eye is still in the "up and coming" area. All of my interests seem to involve technology, the future, and the advancement of mankind, save history. At least I've got this "general area" thing going on. I can't do everything, though! Perhaps I've found my niche, or maybe I'm just reliving fond memories?
Fond memories, meaning my childhood. See, like all young tadpoles, I had my "when I grow up" fantasies when I was, well, growing up. I had the classic, "I want to be an astronaut," but I was actually interested in space. I'm not sure what caused my interest to fade (perhaps there is a connection to the young Mike and present Mike), but there was still a spark hidden somewhere inside of me. So am I just reliving what I once wanted, or was that truly an interest that I should pursue?
Life is more complicated the longer you think about it, and I'm not a good enough writer to express it.
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